RotoQL Featured Projections for DFS Lineups: Baseball Prospectus
Posted on April 15, 2016
Here at RotoQL, we strive to offer you the best information possible to provide you with the greatest chance at succeeding in Daily Fantasy Sports. That is why we have partnered with several of the top DFS MLB player projections sites in order to help you achieve this goal. Today we’re taking an in-depth look at the oldest projection site we partner with: Baseball Prospectus.
RotoQL’s MLB Lineup Optimizer with Baseball Prospectus
Baseball Prospectus was founded in 1996 by Gary Huckabay. In its first year, BP charged $20 for a statistics guide produced on a photocopier. It printed about 300 copies, and sold about 170 of them (even though the book was missing the St. Louis Cardinals). Within a few years of the original production, Brassey’s Inc. published the guide, which grew to around 3,000 copies. By 2007, BP had reached The New York Times bestseller list, selling more than 70,000 copies.
The kind of sabermetric approach seen on Baseball Prospectus has gained significant acceptance by the management of many Major League Baseball teams, most notably the Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Indians. In fact, Baseball Prospectus is accredited by the Baseball Writers’ Association of America.
Baseball Prospectus’ proprietary system that projects player performance based on comparison with historical player-seasons is called PECOTA. There are three elements that make up PECOTA.
- The first element is major league equivalencies. This allows BP to use minor league stats to project how a player will perform in the majors if the player had spent most of the previous season in the minors.
- The second element is baseline forecasts. This uses weighted averages and regression to the mean to produce an estimate of a player’s true talent level.
- The third element is a career-path adjustment. This incorporates information about how comparable players’ stats changed over time and throughout their careers.
BP’s PECOTA-based DFS projections are updated at 11 a.m. EST. For any injuries or breaking news, BP updates its projections within 24 hours. In reaction to breaking news or an injury to a player, BP takes the entire roster of that player into account in updating its projections.
Baseball Prospectus has been on the forefront of baseball conversation for the last 20 years. Devoted to the sabermetric analysis of baseball, BP has brought sabermetrics into the mainstream, proven by MLB clubs using BP to perform research. We are thrilled to have Baseball Prospectus as one of our DFS MLB player projection partners.
Both free and premium users of RotoQL can subscribe to our MLB lineup projections for daily lineups on a monthly basis and use them inside RotoQL.
Want to learn more on how to use a DFS MLB lineup optimizer to build lineups? Check out our RotoQL University DFS videos with Saahil Sud fka Maxdalury.